Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hi Gina,

I got a haircut, it was free and at a FANCY salon. Pretty amazing, huh? Yep, I was a hair model. Look how cute my hair turned out. I know that you can't really tell what my hair looks like in the first picture, but basically it is no good. I look really grumpy, which I think is funny. Also I just want to say "Jordan, thanks so much for commenting!!! I love it so so much!!! You are the BEST!!!".

I am super excited for this weekend. Mainly because I get to sleep and I have been so so sleepy this week. I don't really have anything super amazing planned, but I am sure I will rustle up some fun!


P.S. Look at my new phone cover. It is a little cat!!! Mr.Purrrs-a-lot. (I just made that up)

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love the phone cover.
    2. I also love the hair (in both photos really, you rock the topknot better than I ever could)
    3. I love to comment on things, I don't want to seem creepy so I'm glad you're okay with it!
